

Easy Homemade Spider Killing Recipe!

Hey Nerdettes!

Do you ever find yourself just relaxing at night, maybe sipping a drink watching TV, when all of a sudden the biggest effing spider you've ever seen in your life appears inches from your face? Yeah, well that happened to me last night.

I'll be honest: I don't like spiders. When I was little, I was really scared of them. However, after doing lots of martial arts and studying things like criminal justice and crime scene investigating, I learned that when you're scared of something, the best way to fix it is to become the scarier thing and attack it. I don't know if this is the healthiest mindset, but it works for me...with spiders at least.

So there I was, tired and having to get up and get a paper towel.When I come back, I try to smash the crap out of that mo'fo. I don't know what happened though, but when I pulled away the spider wasn't there! I saw it for a brief second and tried to come down on it again, but the little fucker escaped!

Now, normally I pride myself on my spider smashing skills. I go over to my best bro Benny's all the time and kill spiders for him. My roommate Em is even better than I am. She laughs as she crushes them with her bare hands. Yeah. She's psychotic. XD

Anyway, usually, I wouldn't care. I mean, it's late, I'm tired, my roommate doesn't care, just go to bed, right? But this spider was not any spider. It was a giant brown recluse. And it was on my desk. But I can't find it, so what do I do?

I use my home-made ultimate spider-killing serum, that's what! 

I use all sorts of ingredients that both repel and kill spiders, and it works really, really well. I've sprayed it directly on a spider once and the spider died within seconds. And it's completely non-toxic to humans. (As long as you don't have certain allergies). Here's what you'll need:

  1. A Spray Bottle
  2. Warm Water
Then you just need one of these items to go with the warm water and spray bottle. I like to combine them all for an extreme effect. Also, spray bottles are easy to find. You can buy one at dollar tree or target, or you can do what I do and empty my roommate's bottle of smelly perfume into the sink and use that.
  1. Distilled White Vinegar
  2. Dish-washing soap
  3. Tea Tree Oil
  4. Peppermint Tea
  5. Lemon Juice
Spiders hate these scents and the dish washing soap and vinegar kill them. All you need to do is fill your spray bottle half full with warm water. Then, if you want, you can turn that warm water into peppermint tea. I use tea bags and just stuff them into the spray bottle. Next fill the rest of the spray bottle with the vinegar. At the end, you can add the soap, tea tree oil, and/or lemon juice if you want. Screw the top on and shake it all up!

You're now ready to make those little suckers rot in hell with your awesome, kick-ass, spider spray. Peter Parker wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot poll! Good luck, and may the force be with you!

Hope this helps! Love,


Gay Marriage Is Legal In The States!

So to say I've been out of the blogosphere for some time would be an understatement. But I'd like to come back, and as a gay man the legalization of same sex marriage in all 50 United States of America seems like a wonderful place to pick up blogging.

I'm really, really happy about this. I'm currently not living in the States anymore, but I'm hoping that the U.S. Supreme Court's decision will influence other countries so that soon enough gay marriage will be recognized as simply 'marriage,' for the rest of the world too. Plus, I could not be happier for the same sex newly weds in America.

It's so strange to think that within the past decade, the way we think about gay rights has been completely revolutionized. Our progress gives me so much hope for the future.

I want to thank everyone who helped make it happen. From politicians to lawyers to journalists to young fanfiction writers who stay up into the wee hours of the morning churning out stories with homoerotic content (you know who you are). Everyone who has ever brought awareness to it or even just discussed the topic has helped bring us to the point where if I were to return home, I could serve openly in the military, marry my boyfriend, and even be celebrated for who I am.

Thank you so much, for fighting and not giving up. We're winning now, and we're in the homestretch!




To Save Or Not To Save Constantine

John Constantine is an awesome comic book character. He is. If you haven't heard him, here's a link for some info and some quick facts.

1. He has magic.

2. He's from Liverpool.

3. He's bisexual.

4. He smokes. A lot.

5. He's what is called an "anti-hero," and for him, the ends justify the means.

So, all in all, I love this guy. Who wouldn't? That's why, when I heard that NBC was creating a live action show about him, I was psyched. 

In the show, John Constantine has been shown to be straight, which caused some controversy among fans. Personally, I just wanted to see what the producers had to say about this, though I didn't really have a foot in either side. 

Here's the interview with producer David Goyer about the topic:

He's sort of being a jackass and belittling the interviewer. She went on to say that she meant to say "Vertigo" comics rather than "Image," but that she felt like she was being treated as a "fake geek girl." I have to say, I'd agree. He was acting condescending. 

Also, his argument is that they never said he wasn't bisexual. What does that mean? If you aren't writing him as being bisexual just say that.

"I have a character in another show that's bisexual, so..." So what? What the hell does that have to do with anything?! Sorry, this guy just pushes my buttons. 

Let's say he was having a bad day and this was a one-time thing. Except, it's not. He also went on to say at a different time about She-Hulk that:

" I have a theory about She-Hulk. Which was created by a man, right? And at the time in particular I think 95% of comic book readers were men and certainly almost all of the comic book writers were men. So the Hulk was this classic male power fantasy. It’s like, most of the people reading comic books were these people like me who were just these little kids getting the shit kicked out of them every day… And so then they created She-Hulk, right? Who was still smart… I think She-Hulk is the chick that you could fuck if you were Hulk, you know what I’m saying? … She-Hulk was the extension of the male power fantasy. So it’s like if I’m going to be this geek who becomes the Hulk then let’s create a giant green porn star that only the Hulk could fuck."

Thank you for that brilliant insight Mr. Goyer. I'm sure all female comic book fans were thrilled to hear you label a strong, brilliant, female comic book character as a giant, green, porn star. 

So who is She-Hulk? Well first of all, she's the Hulk's cousin, so if she and the Hulk got together, ewww. She-Hulk is sort of like the better Hulk. She's strong, independent, and most of the time she can keep her intelligence when she changes and she can control when she changes. When she's not fighting crime on the streets, she's fighting crime in the court as a successful lawyer.

A lot of comic book readers are females who get treated like shit every day by ignorant men like David Goyer. I think She-Hulk was created to intimidate the shit out of those men.

Stan Lee, who created She-Hulk, went on to call Goyer and idiot for his views on the character. Thank you Stan!

Now you see my dilemma. Constantine has mixed reviews and ratings so we're not sure if it's going to get picked up for a second season. We'll find out in May. One way to help save it is to talk about it on social media and twitter using hash-tags like #SaveConstantine and #HellBlazers. 

But should we save Constantine or let Goyer fall? I'd love to see the show go further, but I don't want Goyer to ruin it. I wouldn't mind giving it one more season just to see if Goyer can pull his shit together. Who knows, maybe Geoff Johns will make a phone call and kick ass. I'd like that. After all, Constantine can still be saved in more ways than one.



I Have The Tiny Chickens...

Sorry if my posts aren't as good lately, guys...I've got the tiny chickens.

If you haven't heard of Tiny Chicken Disease, I will tell you. It is a common syndrome that was discovered by Hank Green a few years ago. It's where you meet a tiny chicken, and that tiny chicken lays eggs in your brain. Those eggs begin to hatch, and then you have baby tiny chickens that bounce up and down on your head, eat your brain matter, and poop out your nose.

The only cure is to wait for the tiny chickens to grow and finally leave your head. They can also be flushed out by lots of fluids.

Do you see that? That is the face of evil.

A Picture That Describes Your Life


Q&A For Colm

There a lot of fun questions that don't really require an entire blog post to answer, so I thought I'd put the answers here. Feel free to ask more questions!

Q: Can you juggle?

A: You know, I used to be able to. I probably still could. I don't think I could ever juggle more than 4 objects though.

Q: Are you religious?

A: It really depends on how you define religion. I'm not associated with any religious affiliation, but I respect those that are. I have a personal philosophy of ethics and morals based on life as I experience it, and I'm a firm believer in equality and treating others the way that you want to be treated. So I may not be "religious" per-se, but I am very passionate and opinionated.

Q: What's your favorite joke?

A: Just watch this.

Q: Where did you grow up?

A: Chicago, Illinois. I actually loved it. Especially the pizza.

Q: Are you a good liar?

A: Yes. Pfffft, hahahahahahahahahaha. XD


Lava Lamps

Question: Have you ever owned a lava lamp?

Answer: Actually yes. I had this cool pink lava lamp that I bought from Target as an impulse buy. Then a few things happened.

1. I discovered that it's so cool looking that you'll be compelled to touch it, and when you do it will burn the fuck out of your hand.

2. My inner stereotypical gay guy that visits maybe once a year stopped by and I realized that despite it looking super cool, it goes with nothing and looks fugly as hell unless you have a black light and Bob Marley poster to go next to it.

3. It went to the Goodwill.

And that, folks, is the story of my lava lamp.

You see, it makes things pink. REALLY pink.

Baby Names

Blog Prompt Question: Have you already thought about baby names?

Answer: NO! But if I had, I think Charisma for a girl and Ethan for a boy are great names. :3

#DontTellMyBoyfriend, #HashtagsDontWorkOnBlogs #OurBabyWillHaveToComeFromAStork


Swallowed Any Unusual Objects?

Blog Prompt: Have you swallowed any unusual objects?

Answer: Yes. I have swallowed: paper, a penny, a key, plastic (sometimes I forget to take it off the food), a scrabble tile, and a button. And I don't know if this counts but I loved to eat glue when I was little. Like seriously, at snack time I would have chips and pour in Elmer's glue when the teacher wasn't looking. It made for great dip.

Don't judge me, blame my parents.

Life Story

Blog Prompt: Tell your life story in 50 words or less.

I grew. Didn’t like parents. Has many sisters. Studied Taekwondo. Sent away for high school. Met friends. Discovered Sherlock. Unpaid internship. Dated Girl. Came out. Dated boy. Ate pizza. Graduated. Nearly died from doing so. Promoted to barely paid intern. At college with same friends. Still nearly dying from college.

That is exactly 50 words. Ha!

If The Phone Rang...

Blog Prompt: If the phone rang right now, who would you want it to be?

Joss Whedon.


20 Facts About Yourself!

More blog challenge stuff! Yay! This blog should just be called to blog of challenges. Anyway!

20 facts about myself: Go!

1. I have blonde hair and blue eyes (Hitler would've loved me had I not been gay).

2. I'm gay and I have a boyfriend now. His name is Henry! :D

3. My best friends are my roommate, my roommates brother, and my roommate's brother's roommate/ roommate's boyfriend, my roommate's brother's girlfriend, and my boyfriend. So Em, Benny, Thayer, Cricket, and Henry. :3

4. I'm a major geek. (Sherlock, Pokemon, Superheroes, LOTR you name it!).

5. My favorite food is ice cream. Specifically anything chocolate and Ben and Jerry's.

6. I've have a blue belt in Taekwondo and a purple belt in Jiu Jitsu and I've also studied Krav Maga and Kenpo.

7. I despise Comcast cable network. And McDonald's.

That's the pink slime people. And it ain't ice cream, trust me.

8. I hate yoga, despite my studies in martial arts and disciplines I cannot stand yoga.

9. I am an equalist and a feminist.

10. I love camping, but I hate camping trips. I like the outdoors part but I hate all the campfire songs, marshmallows, and bringing creature comforts. I like the type of camping that's a challenge where you bring nothing and you go out with one or two close friends.

11. Also about camping, I absolutely despise the Boyscouts of America. Not the actual scouts, but the program in general.

12. I love mail and writing letters.

13. I love math and science and specifically forensics.

14. My signature drink would have to be Port Sherry. It's nice. Martini if I'm out to have fun with friends.

15. I love trains. I much prefer them to any other mode of transportation.

16. Five words to describe me: funny, outgoing, preppy, determined, and snarky.

17. I'm bad at lying.

18. I sing in the shower. Loudly.

19. I prefer jam over honey. Or really just about anything over honey, it's too sweet.

20. If I had an autobiography, it would be called "I didn't write this." 

So there you have it! 20 random facts about the great and wise me!

Ask Me Anything!

I thought I should also put out there that this is sort of an "AMA" blog. I'm pretty open. I don't generally censor myself, so if you have any questions or want advice or whatever, just send it somewhere in the comments. Yep, just an announcement. I know, I hate announcements too, but this is sort of exciting right? You can get info from a geeky college student off of the internet, yay you!


Did anyone else see the premiere of iZombie last night? I did, only because the new episode of the Flash was on prior, but still. I didn't hate it. In fact, it was sort of cool. CW makes kind of bad ass shows. I love that they're finally adapting all these great comics into awesome live action TV shows!

Also, finally there's a kick-ass female protagonist that is awesome! I mean, Laurel on Arrow is finally cool, but she never really got to me. They're just lucky that Felicity came along.

But it was about time that there was a female leading the entire show. Well now, the zombie in iZombie is one bad-ass chick that I can totally relate to!

Plus, hot guys! There is always an abundance of hot guys in their shows! That's reason enough to watch the CW. Seriously. Take a look:


A Show That Should Never Have Been Cancelled

Okay, here's a little known British series that was brilliant, humorous, and among other things, cancelled way too early. The series left on a cliffhanger, but it's still worth watching. The writing, the acting, is all fantastic.

 It's about a small-market-town lawyer and how he struggles to care for his friends, family, and continuously doing the right thing, no matter what. It stars Stephen Fry, so there's something. Also, one huge reason I loved it is because one of the main actors, Karl Davies is the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

Seriously. He's yummy.

See, told you so. :P


A Favorite No-Longer Alive Celebrity

There are so many but....Dick van Dyke. Waaah! I miss him so much! I always wished that he was my father. We could do things like clean chimneys and celebrate New Year's together. He was just such an awesome presence in the world. May he rest in peace.

Most Overrated Book

Okay. All of you are going to hate me for this. I know it.

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. I read it. I watched the movie. It was okay. I don't see what all the hype is about. 

It's sad. It's about cancer. It's about teens. If you want, I can write you a list of books that have all of those elements in them. Here's what it's lacking:

Characterization - Hazel is quite possibly the most boring teenager on the planet. Sure she's smart. So is Augustus and Isaac and just about everyone else in this book. Because they all are practically the same person. I get it. Augustus is handsome and attractive and he says and does all the things that the ideal boyfriend would and more. He's also not real, very much so because he's perfect and has virtually no character flaws. Neither does Hazel. 

Humility - Don't get me wrong, I love John Green. Really, he's a cool guy. But seriously the entire book is just philosophical and existential ramblings that prove how smart John Green is. Quoting Shakespeare and Chaucer throughout the book? That's awesome! If it were a book about Philanthropy. But this is a young adult book from the perspective of teens, and apparently in this world all teens speak in fancy prose. The title is actually a reference to Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar. Neat idea. Extremely pretentious but I can see why it's fun. 

All this being said, it was a good book. It wasn't great, it's not something that will stick with me, but it had its moments. And the film, albeit the plot and characterization was still lacking, was spot on. The acting, set, and directing was fantastic, so kudos there.

Now, if you want to read a really amazing feel-good book about teens and cancer, I recommend A Walk To Remember

Favorite Beatles Moment

So I'm just doing a ton of random blog challenges. Stay with me.

Okay, hands down my favorite moment would be when John Lennon accidentally said "We're more popular than Jesus," and everyone freaked out and got pissy.

Another favorite Beatles moment of mine was in 1969 when Yoko and John had a "Bed-in" for peace as a protest against the war. I guess that's more of a John Lennon moment rather than Beatles but it still rocked!

Who Would You Rather Date?

Blog Challenge: Would you rather date someone plain with an amazing personality or someone beautiful with a plain personality.

Answer: Amazing personality. Duh. I'm too eccentric to be kept interested by a plain personality. Plus, is a person really plain if their personality is amazing? I don't think so. But that's just me.

What's One of Your Favorite Film Scenes?

Hmmm, there are so many it's hard to tell! I'm a major film junkie. Yeah, there's no way I can narrow it down. Here's just one of my many favorites from "Shall We Dance." You know, that old film with Ginger Rogers? Here's the best scene.

Talk About a Song That Made You Cry

Okay, so I didn't actually cry. I'm sure at some point in my life, I've been emotional and cried to some song (let's face it, who hasn't?), however I can't remember which song specifically I may have had an emotional breakdown while listening to. I will say though, that this song, once I actually understood what it was about, made me very sad. Such a great song though. Fortunately for me though, I've never wanted to grow up to be like my father, so this song doesn't really apply to me. We've never wanted to spend time together. One day though if I have a son, I'll be sure to spend time with him and love him. :)


Write About A Song That Reminds You Of Your Best Friend.

Hmmm.... Well for my bestie Em, I would have to say maybe...?

Haha or maybe something with lyrics?

And then my best bro Benny has to have a song too. Hmmmm..... XD

That's right Lover Shack boy! 



Just found this prompt: "If you could travel to any location in the universe - where would you travel and why?"

Haha, so my close friends might understand the inside joke here (wink, wink) but if you're just a regular stranger continue on.

Hmmm....I'm pretty happy where I am, and I've done some traveling in my life so far. I've never been to Egypt, but my best friends and I have been considering a trip. I think it would be amazing. I'd love to see all of the archaeological sites and the pyramids. I've always been fascinated by mysteries.

I mean just look at that, isn't it amazing? I'd be wary of the politics and the protesting of course, but my mates and I would be safe, I'm sure.


Ten Things You Want To Say To Ten Different People Right Now!

I haven't posted in ages. I've been busy. That's all I'm going to say on the topic, either acquiesce or leave.

So I saw this as a blog challenge. Should be fun!

1. To my roommate and best friend, Em - Love you sistah, sorry I missed Friday night.

2. To my best friend, Benny - Coffee on Wednesday, you in or out?

3. To My Dad - Fuck you.

4. To My Mom - Sorry I gave my last fuck to Dad.

5. To My Sister, Livie - I miss you, wish you were here. Maybe Spring break?

6. To My Sister, Elizabeth - I love and miss you so much, thank you for being a bigger screw-up than I am. And I mean that with love. <3

7. To My Ex Boyfriend, Jim - Goddamnit I still miss you.

8. To My Ex Girlfriend, Lilly - Wow. You really are a crazy bitch.

9. To My Teacher - Get your shit together, lady.

10. To Everyone I Love and Care About - I love and care about you.