

20 Facts About Yourself!

More blog challenge stuff! Yay! This blog should just be called to blog of challenges. Anyway!

20 facts about myself: Go!

1. I have blonde hair and blue eyes (Hitler would've loved me had I not been gay).

2. I'm gay and I have a boyfriend now. His name is Henry! :D

3. My best friends are my roommate, my roommates brother, and my roommate's brother's roommate/ roommate's boyfriend, my roommate's brother's girlfriend, and my boyfriend. So Em, Benny, Thayer, Cricket, and Henry. :3

4. I'm a major geek. (Sherlock, Pokemon, Superheroes, LOTR you name it!).

5. My favorite food is ice cream. Specifically anything chocolate and Ben and Jerry's.

6. I've have a blue belt in Taekwondo and a purple belt in Jiu Jitsu and I've also studied Krav Maga and Kenpo.

7. I despise Comcast cable network. And McDonald's.

That's the pink slime people. And it ain't ice cream, trust me.

8. I hate yoga, despite my studies in martial arts and disciplines I cannot stand yoga.

9. I am an equalist and a feminist.

10. I love camping, but I hate camping trips. I like the outdoors part but I hate all the campfire songs, marshmallows, and bringing creature comforts. I like the type of camping that's a challenge where you bring nothing and you go out with one or two close friends.

11. Also about camping, I absolutely despise the Boyscouts of America. Not the actual scouts, but the program in general.

12. I love mail and writing letters.

13. I love math and science and specifically forensics.

14. My signature drink would have to be Port Sherry. It's nice. Martini if I'm out to have fun with friends.

15. I love trains. I much prefer them to any other mode of transportation.

16. Five words to describe me: funny, outgoing, preppy, determined, and snarky.

17. I'm bad at lying.

18. I sing in the shower. Loudly.

19. I prefer jam over honey. Or really just about anything over honey, it's too sweet.

20. If I had an autobiography, it would be called "I didn't write this." 

So there you have it! 20 random facts about the great and wise me!

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