

Fantastick Vegetables!

     So last night I went with my friends to see a production of The Fantasticks. They didn't like the production very much, or the play itself. I found that the first act tied together was well done, but they couldn't tie the third act together, it was too scattered.
    They also didn't like the music very much. I actually liked some of the songs. And I thought that the female lead's range was remarkable. I'll admit that the male lead wasn't the greatest singer, but I thought his acting was great! And the costume designer did a great job considering that it was a low budget production. Overall, I liked it a lot and I would enjoy seeing a different production someday.
Here's one of the songs that I remember well.

I'm sure that with me, my parents planted a carrot and got a butternut squash.  And unfortunately they don't like butternut squash. But then there's my sister who ended up being a Shroom, so.


Hallways one likes them. Not even I, and I like a lot of things. There's just too many people in them and it's impossible to get places. My best friend hates them since he usually gets shoved up against the lockers. I don't know how this will help my friend's problem, but I've deduced a couple ways to get down the upriver current of students.

1. Get behind a really tall person that's going the same way you are and ride their trail to your destination. (I'm fairly tall myself so this doesn't apply to me as much, but this is a good way to get places if you are small).

2. Just keep walking. (People will move once they realize you aren't going to stop).

3. Shout, "cattle, get out of the way! MOOOOOVE!" (I haven't personally tried this one, but I'm sure it would work).



The Tale of Sir Dimitro

     So one night I was really tired and I wrote this. I think it's a cute short story. :P

Once upon a time there was a man named, Sir Dimitro. Sir Dimitro was a knight. Sir Dimitro was very outgoing and made friends with all the other knights, but none of the knights really knew him that well. Sir Watlon, Sir Edgar, and Sir Phillip dismissed his slightly more reserved behavior. One day, this young princess from a foreign land traveled away from her kingdom. She was tired of her family not accepting who she was. She rode horses faster than any man, and could shoot arrows more accurately and precisely than Robin Hood, but she couldn't tell her dining forks apart for her life. So one day she left. When she arrived at her destination she pretended to be a commoner. Only Sir Dimitro knew the truth. Somehow, he understood what it was like to not be accepted. They became best friends.
Eventually, the princess began to develop romantic feelings for Sir Dimitro. She confessed her love to him, being already very close to him. Sir Dimitro did love her dearly, but not exactly the same way.
"But why don't you love me? Please, I won't be upset, I just want the truth," She begged. And so the truth he gave her.
 "I'm in love with Sir Edgar!" He exclaimed. Although this surprised her at first, the princess from there on built a stronger friendship with Sir Dimitro. Sir Dimitro had admired Sir Edgar for a long time now. But alas, Sir Edgar could not reciprocate those feelings. Instead Sir Edgar fell for the princess, and within a year those two were married. Although disappointed, Sir Dimitro moved on, for he was the strongest of them all. And he didn't end up with a knight in shining armor. No, instead he found his true love in the last place he would have thought to have looked. Within the same year, he married the Court Jester. And they all lived happily ever after.

  The End.